Happy New Year! Don’t forget our holy day (of obligation) for thanking God for the gift of Mary. Masses are all at St Thomas: Tuesday Vigil at 4:30 pm; Wednesday Masses at 8:30 am and 12 noon.
After all Masses at St. Thomas in the Old School, there will be an opportunity to purchase Olive Wood Products from the Holy Land. Please stop by and see the displays of creches, crosses, and statues for sale and help support these friends maintain a Christian presence in the Holy Land.
Join Junior Catholic Daughters Association/Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Rita #264 as they say a Rosary for the Unborn on Sunday, December 8 after the 12:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church by the Memorial for the Unborn (at the bottom of the ramp) weather permitting, otherwise event will be held inside the Church.
The Knights of Columbus invite all seniors to a Thanksgiving Dinner this Saturday, November 23 in St Thomas School. Free (for all). Doors open 12 Noon.
Join Junior Catholic Daughters Association/Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Rita #264 at a Holy Hour/Adoration for Family and the Unborn on November 17 at St. Thomas Church: 2-3 pm.
Save the Date, Save a Life, and Donate Blood! The STAR Youth Group will hold their annual Blood Drive on Sunday, November 17, 8 am-2 pm in the St. Thomas School Gym. No appointment necessary!
Schedule for the Holy Day of Obligation: ALL SAINTS DAY * At St. Joseph Church: Thursday, October 31, 5:30 pm Vigil Mass * At St. Thomas of Canterbury Church: Friday, November 1, 8:30 am, 12 noon, and 7:30 pm. The Parish Office will be open.
Pray the Novena with Sister Jean leading up to the anniversary of the canonization of Saint Marianne - Oct 13-21. Day Eight: Gratitude. Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ. You called your servant, Saint Marianne, to her heavenly reward. Awaken in us the ways that we can help those who are suffering and teach us to be grateful for having the opportunity to serve others. May all who die this day experience the fullness of life, and may we, too, one day share that life together with Saint Marianne. Through the intercession of Saint Marianne, I ask that the petition of this novena be granted in the name of Christ, our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be Saint Marianne, intercede for us
The annual fun event, Tricky Tray, will be held Saturday, November 2, beginning at 5 pm in the St. Thomas School Gym. Tricky Tray begins at 7 pm. Admission cost of $5/person includes 2 sheets of 50 Tricky Tray tickets. Children under 10 years of age are free. This event is coordinated by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Rita #264.
The Junior Catholic Daughters chapter in the parish is collecting Halloween costumes for needy children served by the Newburgh Ministries. New or gently used costumes may be dropped off in the bins at both churches until Monday, October 14.
The Knights of Columbus Council is sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the Parish's Faith Formation Program on Saturday, October 12, 5:30-9 pm. in the St. Thomas Gym.
A Rosary for the Unborn will be said on Sunday, October 6 after the 12:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church by the Memorial for the Unborn (at the bottom of the ramp) weather permitting, otherwise event will be held inside the Church.
The first Prayer Shawl Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8 at 11 am in the Knights of Columbus Hall. If you can knit, crochet, sew, quilt, etc., or would like to learn, contact Regina Lieby (845.742.7017, rlieby@hvc.rr.com) to join.
The next Fellowship Breakfast will be Sunday, October 6, after the 9 am Mass at St. Thomas. Come for a donut and a cup of coffee and meet your fellow parishioners! STAR Youth Group will be sharing their experience and pictures about Camp Veritas and the summer Mission Trip. They thank the parishioners for their support.
Renew & Rebuild Campaign News: Next weekend (September 14/15), a second Campaign Commitment Weekend will be held. Thus far, the parish has raised $612,524. This represents nearly 60% of our total goal but represents only 9% of our parish’s census. For information about the Campaign, contact Nick Mederos at Nick.Mederos@archny.org!
* Wednesday, August 14 at St. Joseph Church: 5:30 pm Adoration 6:00 pm Confession 6:30 pm Mass * Thursday, August 15 at St. Thomas Church: Masses at 8:30 am, 12 noon, and 7:30 pm