Happy Easter, Friends in Christ! This Holy Saturday, we recall Christ's descent into hell, when he freed the holy souls from everlasting death. Father John Bob and I, Deacons Tony, Len, Joe and John, are praying for you in these difficult times. May I once more ask you to let us know if anyone in the parish is ill or if anyone has suffered the death of a loved one by emailing me at [email protected]. They will be remembered at the Easter Vigil this evening and on Easter Sunday at Mass. The Easter Vigil Mass will be streamed at 8:00 pm tonight on the parish website and the parish youtube channel. It will also be available through the day tomorrow for anyone who wishes to unite themselves spiritual to Our Risen Lord through prayer and meditation. There are other Mass and prayer resources available. May I recommend the Easter Sunday Mass, live steamed from the Cathedral? Also, check out the Catholic Faith Network which provides several possibilities to confirm you in your faith. I wish you and your family a blessed Easter. In Christ, Fr Doughty |