A Rosary for the Unborn will be said on Sunday, October 6 after the 12:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church by the Memorial for the Unborn (at the bottom of the ramp) weather permitting, otherwise event will be held inside the Church.
The first Prayer Shawl Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 8 at 11 am in the Knights of Columbus Hall. If you can knit, crochet, sew, quilt, etc., or would like to learn, contact Regina Lieby (845.742.7017, [email protected]) to join.
The next Fellowship Breakfast will be Sunday, October 6, after the 9 am Mass at St. Thomas. Come for a donut and a cup of coffee and meet your fellow parishioners! STAR Youth Group will be sharing their experience and pictures about Camp Veritas and the summer Mission Trip. They thank the parishioners for their support.